Fish Species

Fish Species by Watersheds : 'Thermalito Afterbay-180201590201'

Freshwater native and non-native fish species present currently and/or historically, determined from the PISCES database (Feb. 26, 2014).  Some species, such as salmon or steelhead, may no longer be present upstream of dams that lack fish passage.

Yes/No corresponds to California native species

American Shad

  • Alosa sapidissima
  • No
  • Thumbnail. American shad, head. Caught on the Feather River (Star Bend boat launch) on 4 July 2008. Approximately 20 cm TL.  Photo by Brian Currier.

Bigscale Logperch

  • Percina macrolepida
  • No
  • Thumbnail. Bigscale logperch, captured from Putah Creek in November 2008. Photo by Teejay O'Rear, March 2009.

Black Crappie

  • Pomoxis nigromaculatus
  • No
  • Thumbnail. Black crappie, captured in rotary screw trap on the Sacramento River at Knight's Landing on 2/26/2009. Photo by Dan Worth, CDFW

Brown Trout

  • Salmo trutta
  • No
  • Thumbnail. Brown trout, approximately 20 cm (8”) long. Location: Deer Creek, California Date: 6/21/2007. Photo by Dave Giordano

Central Valley Steelhead

  • Oncorhynchus mykiss
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Rainbow trout, 18 cm (7”) long. Location: Deer Creek, California (Yuba River basin). Date: 6/21/2007. Photo by Dave Giordano.

Channel Catfish

  • Ictalurus punctatus
  • No
  • Thumbnail. Channel catfish, caught in Nacimiento Reservoir in May 2008 by Teejay O'Rear. Photo by Amber Manfree.

Common Carp

  • Cyprinus carpio
  • No
  • Thumbnail. Common carp approximately 18 cm (7”) long. Location: Suisun Marsh, California. Date: 8/8/2008. Photo by Dave Giordano.


  • Carassius auratus
  • No
  • Thumbnail. Goldfish, captured in rotary screw trap on Sacramento River at Knight's Landing. Date: January 2009. Photo by Dan Worth, CDFW.

Inland Threespine Stickleback

  • Gasterosteus aculeatus microcephalus
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Threespine stickleback (armored). Location: Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Date: 16 April 2011. Photo by Christopher Mosser, UC Davis.

Pacific Lamprey

  • Entosphenus tridentata
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Pacific lamprey, captured in rotary screw trap on Sacramento River at Knight's Landing. Photo by Dan Worth, CDFW.

Prickly Sculpin

  • Cottus asper subspecies
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Prickly sculpin, approximately 10 cm (4”) long. Location: Suisun Marsh, California. Date: 8/6/2007. Photo by Dave Giordano.

Redear Sunfish

  • Lepomis microlophus
  • No
  • Thumbnail. Redear sunfish. Photo courtesy of Professor Peter B. Moyle.

Riffle Sculpin

  • Cottus gulosus
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Riffle sculpin, side view. Location: South Fork American River. Date: 5 May 2010. Photo by Lisa C. Thompson.

Sacramento Blackfish

  • Orthodon microlepidotus
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Sacramento blackfish, caught in the San Joaquin river near Stockton on 11/11/08. Photo by Steve Reem.

Sacramento Perch

  • Archoplites interruptus
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Sacramento perch, adult male. Captured from Sindicich Lagoon, Martinez, California in May 2001. Photo by Chris Miller, Contra Costa MVCD.

Sacramento Pikeminnow

  • Ptychocheilus grandis
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Sacramento pikeminnow, juvenile. Location: Deer Creek California (Yuba River basin). Date: 6/20/2007. Photo by Dave Giordano.

Sacramento Speckled Dace

  • Rhinichthys osculus subspecies
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Speckled dace, approximately 7 cm (3”) long. Date: 7/8/2007. Photo by Dave Giordano.

Sacramento Splittail

  • Pogonichthys macrolepidotus
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Sacramento splittail, adult, from the Cosumnes River, CA. Photo courtesy of Professor Peter B. Moyle.

Sacramento Sucker

  • Catostomus occidentalis occidentalis
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Sacramento sucker, adult, caught in Putah Creek, California on 26 June 2008 by Teejay O'Rear. Photo by Amber Manfree.

Sacramento Tule Perch

  • Hysterocarpus traskii traskii
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Tule perch, 13 cm (5”) long. Location: Suisun March. Date: 8/6/2007. Photo by Dave Giordano.

Smallmouth Bass

  • Micropterus dolomieu
  • No
  • Thumbnail. Smallmouth bass. Photo courtesy of Drew Gregory.

Southern Green Sturgeon

  • Acipenser medirostris
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Green sturgeon, juvenile, in tank. Photo courtesy of Dennis Cocherell, UC Davis.

Spotted Bass

  • Micropterus punctulatus
  • No
  • Thumbnail. Spotted bass, juvenile, approximately 7.5 cm (3”) long. Location: Deer Creek, California Date: 6/22/2007. Photo by Dave Giordano.

Thicktail Chub

  • Siphatales crassicauda
  • Yes
  • N / A

Threadfin Shad

  • Dorosoma petenense
  • No
  • Thumbnail. American shad, head. Caught on the Feather River (Star Bend boat launch) on 4 July 2008. Approximately 20 cm TL.  Photo by Brian Currier.


  • Hypomesus nipponensis
  • No
  • Thumbnail. Wakasagi, captured in rotary screw trap on the Sacramento River at Knight's Landing on 2/26/2009. Photo by Dan Worth, CDFW.

Western Brook Lamprey

  • Lampetra richardsoni
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Western brook lamprey. Location: Prairie Creek, CA. Date: 2011. Photo by Michael Sparkman, CDFW.

White Catfish

  • Ameiurus catus
  • No
  • Thumbnail. White catfish swimming, approximately 21 cm (6”) long. Location: Deer Creek, California Date: 6/20/2007. Photo by Dave Giordano.

White Crappie

  • Pomoxis annularis
  • No
  • Thumbnail. White crappie. Photo courtesy of Corey Geving, webmaster at