Fish Species

Fish Species by Watersheds : 'Mission Beach-Frontal Pacific Ocean-180703041300'

Freshwater native and non-native fish species present currently and/or historically, determined from the PISCES database (Feb. 26, 2014).  Some species, such as salmon or steelhead, may no longer be present upstream of dams that lack fish passage.

Yes/No corresponds to California native species

California Killifish

  • Fundulus parvipinnis
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. California killifish, captured from Zuma Creek Lagoon, Los Angeles County, CA on 26 January 2006. Photo by Steve Howard.

Coastal Rainbow Trout

  • Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Rainbow trout, 18 cm (7”) long. Location: Deer Creek, California (Yuba River basin). Date: 6/21/2007. Photo by Dave Giordano.

Coastal Threespine Stickleback

  • Gasterosteus aculeatus aculeatus
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Threespine stickleback (armored). Location: Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Date: 16 April 2011. Photo by Christopher Mosser, UC Davis.

Red Shiner

  • Cyprinella lutrensis
  • No
  • Thumbnail. Red shiner. Caught in the Rock River, Rock County, Minnesota, in July 2002. Photo by Konrad Schmidt, Minn. DNR.

Southern California Steelhead

  • Oncorhynchus mykiss
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Rainbow trout, 18 cm (7”) long. Location: Deer Creek, California (Yuba River basin). Date: 6/21/2007. Photo by Dave Giordano.

Staghorn Sculpin

  • Leptocottus armatus
  • Yes
  • Thumbnail. Pacific staghorn sculpin caught in Suisun Marsh, CA on 20 August 2008. Photo by Amber Manfree.

Striped Mullet

  • Mugil cephalus
  • Yes
  • Striped Mullet_Thumbnail

White Catfish

  • Ameiurus catus
  • No
  • Thumbnail. White catfish swimming, approximately 21 cm (6”) long. Location: Deer Creek, California Date: 6/20/2007. Photo by Dave Giordano.