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Gregory A Giusti

Forests & Wildland Ecology Advisor- Emeritus
UC Cooperative Extension
883 Lakeport Boulevard
Lakeport, CA 95453
(707) 263-6838
gagiusti@ucanr.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Mendocino County


M.A. Biology, San Fransisco State University. 1984
B.A. Biology, San Fransisco State University. 1979


Forest management, wildlife management, vertebrate pest management, wetlands, watersheds, fisheries and freshwater ecology

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Giusti, C.; Keiffer, R.; Ferier, S.; Keiffer, R. (2015). Oak Tree Selection by Nesting Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura). Seventh California Oak Symposium: Managing Oak Woodlands in a Dynamic World, Visalia, California.
  • Thompson, L.; Giusti, C.; Weber, K.; Keiffer, R. (2013). "The native and introduced fishes of Clear Lake: A review of the past to assist with decisions of the future." California Fish and Game 99(1): 7-41.
  • Giusti, G. (2012). Management Practices Related to the Restoration of Old Forest Characteristics in Coast Redwood Forests. Coast Redwood Forests in a Changing California: A symposium for scientists and managers, Albany, California, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture.
  • Bugg, R.; Giusti, G.; Merenlender, A.; Harrison, S.; McGourty, T.; Baumgartner, A. (2011). Biodiversity, Habitat, and Natural Resource Issues in Winegrape Production. Organic Winegrowing Manual.G. McGourty. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication #3511: 155-177.
  • Kristina, L.; Weber, L.; Thompson, ; Giusti, G.; Keiffer, R. (2011). Clear Lake Annotated Bibliography. http://calfish.ucdavis.edu/files/122184.htm
  • Giusti, G. (2011). How Does a Deer Think of your Vines? Vineyard and Winery Management. 37:2, 46-51. March- April 2011.
  • Giusti, G. (2011). Managing Vertebrate Pess in an Organic Vineyard. Organic Winegrowing Manual. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication #3511: 145-151.
  • McCreary, D. (2010). Living Among the Oaks.S. Drill, C. Giusti and L. Lawrence. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication #21538:15.
  • Bugg, R.; Baumgartner, K.; Merenlender, A.; Harrison, S.; Giusti, C. (2009). Biodiversity, Habitat, and Natural Resource Issues in Winegrape Production. Perennial Cropping Systems.A. Bosshard, B. Reinhard and S. Taylor.: 58-63 of 168.
  • Merenlender, A.; Giusti, G. (2008). 6th Oak Woodland Science Symposium (Proceedings), Rohnert Park, California.
  • Giusti, G.; Merenlender, A. (2008). Oak Woodland Impact Decision System - A Guide for Planner's to Determine Significant Impacts to Oaks as Required by SB 1334 (PRC 21083.4) through the development of a county matrix.
  • Giusti, G. (2008). Oak Woodland Planning Support to California Counties. UC Delievers. http:/ucanr.org/delivers
  • Giusti, G. (2008). Redwood Forest Foundation - A New Approach to Forest Ownership. 2008. http://ucanr.org/delivers
  • Standiford, R.; Giusti, G.; Valchovic, Y. (2007). Redwood Region Forest Science Symposium (Proceedings), Rohnert Park, California, University of California Berkeley.
  • Giusti, G. (2007). A Forest Stewardship Framework. Forest Stewardshipo Series 2. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication #8232, 4. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu
  • Giusti, G.; Scott, T. (2007). AB 242 and SB 1334--Oak Woodlands Conservation and CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act). Oaks 'n Folks. 23:2.
  • Morrison, H.; Nunamaker, C.; Leblanc, J.; Giusti, G.; Nakamura, G. (2007). Forest Pests and Diseases. Forest Stewardship Series 16. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication #8246, 11. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu
  • Giusti, G.; Litman, L.; Nakamura, G. (2007). Forest Wildlife. Forest Stewardship Series 8. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication #8238, 22. 2007. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu
  • Giusti, G. (2007). Structural Characteristics of an Old-Growth Coast Redwood Stand in Mendocino County, CA. Redwood Region Forest Science Symposium (Proceedings), Rohnert Park, California, University of California Berkeley.
  • Giusti, C. (2005). A Planner's Guide for Oak Woodlands. Oakland, CA, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources.
  • Merenlender, A.; Brooks, C.; Johnson, B.; Savings, S.; Greenwood, G.; Mackenzie, A.; Giusti, G. (2005). A Planner's Guide for Oak Woodlands. Oakland, California, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
  • Scott, T.; Giusti, G. (2005). Oak Woodland Regional Planning. A Planner's Guide for Oak Woodlands.C. Giusti, D. McCreary and R. Standiford. Oakland, CA, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication #3491.
  • Giusti, G. (2005). Planning Options for Oak Conservation. A Planner's Guide for Oak Woodlands.C. Giusti, D. McCreary and R. Standiford. Oakland, CA, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication #3491.
  • Giusti, G.; McCreary, D.; Standiford, R. (2005). Planning's Role in Oak Woodland Conservation. A Planner's Guide for Oak Woodlands.C. Giusti, D. McCreary and R. Standiford. Oakland, California, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resourcers. Publication #3491.
  • Giusti, G. (2004). Assessment and Monitoring of California Vole (Microtus Californicus) Feeding Damage to a Coastal Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) Restoration Project. 21st Vertebrate Pest Conference, Davis, CA, University of California Davis.
  • Giusti, G. (2004). Conflict Resolution: Recognizing and Managing Discord in Resource Protection. Biodiversity Conservation Costa Rica.G. Frankie and A. Mata. Berkeley, Califoria, University of California Press. 237-246 of 341.
  • GIusti, G. (2004). Long-term Avian Monitoring Along Parson's Creek, Mendocino County. Oaks 'n Folks. IHRMP (Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program) Newsletter. 18.
  • Giusti, G.; Keiffer, R.; Vaughn, C. (2003). "The Bird Community of an Oak Woodland Stream." California Fish and Game 89(2): 72-80.
  • Giusti, G.; Merenlender, A. (2002). Inconsistent Application of Environmental Laws and Policies to California's Oak Woodlands. 5th Res. Symposium on California Oak Woodlands, San Diego, California.
  • Merenlender, A.; Brooks, C.; Giusti, G. (2001). "Policy Analysis related to the Conversion of Native Habitat to Vineyard: Sonoma County's Vineyard Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance as a Case Study." IHRMP Website from
  • Giusti, G. (1999). "Woodrats and Northern Spotted Owl in the Coastal Redwoods." Journal of Forestry 97(3): 12-15.
  • Whisson, D.; Giusti, G. (1998). Vertebrate Pests. Cover Cropping in Vineyards.C. Ingels. UC DANR (University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources). Publication #3338, 126-130.
  • Costello, L.; Peters, A.; Giusti, G. (1996). "An Evaluation of Tree Shelter Effects on Plant Survival and Growth in a Mediterranean Climate." Journal of Arboriculture 22(1): 1-9.
  • Giusti, G.; Scott, T.; Garrison, B.; Shaffer, K. (1996). Oak woodland wildlife ecology, native plants, and habitat relationships. UC ANR (University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources).
  • Garrison, B.; Giusti, G.; Standiford, R.. (1996). Oaks and Habitats of the Hardwood Range. UC-IHRMP (University of California - Integrated Hardwood Range Mangement Program), Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
  • Knight, T.; Giusti, G. (1996). The Columbia Blacktail-Ghost of the West. The Mule Deer Foundation. 2:2, 23-26.
  • Heise, K.; Merenlender, A.; Giusti, G. (1996). Vernal Pools in Oak Woodlands: puddles or Unique Habitats? Oaks 'n Folks. Berkeley, California, IHRMP (Intergrated Hardwood Range Management Program) Newsletter. 11.
  • Giusti, G. (1995). Wild Turkeys in Oak Woodlands. Oaks 'n Folks. Berkeley, California, IHRMP (Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program) Newsletter, University of California, Berkeley. 10. December 1995.
  • Giusti, G. (1994). Partnerships Across Ownerships. Foresters Together: Meeting Tomorrow's Challenges. SAF (Society of American Foresters) Proceedings, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Giusti, G.; Tinnin, P. (1993). A Planner's Guide for Oak Woodlands.G. Giusti and P. Tinnin. University of California, Berkeley, The Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program, Department of For. and Res. Mngt. 104.
  • Giusti, G. (1993). Managing Animals Pests in your Backyard. Ortho Publications. Chevron Chemical Company. 97. 1993.
  • Conger, S.; Giusti, G. (1992). "Observation of Black Bear (Ursus-Americanus) Predation on Columbian Black-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus-Hemionus-Columbianus)." California Fish and Game 78: 131-132.
  • Giusti, G.; Schmidt, R.; Timm, R.; Borrecco, J.; Sullivan, T. (1992). The Lagomorphs: Rabbits, Hares, and Pika. Silvicultural Approaches to Animal Damage in Pacific Northwest Forests. General Technical Report.H. Black. Portland, Oregon, USDA-FS (United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service). 289-308.
  • Costello, L.; Schmidt, R.; Giusti, C. (1991). Evaluating tree protection devices: Effects on Growth and Survival -First Year Results. The Symposia on Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management, Davis, California.
  • Giusti, G.; Norman, B. (1991). Management of Epizootic Bovine Abortion on Hardwood Range. IHRMP (Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program) & Veterinary Medicine Extension. 2.
  • Giusti, G.; Churches, K.; Schmidt, R. (1991). Sustainability: A challenge through public education and outreach programs. Symposia on Oak Woodlands and Hardwood Rangeland Management (Proceedings), Davis, CA.
  • Giusti, G. (1991). The Owl and the Oak. Oaks 'n Folks Newsletter. Berkeley, Califoria, IHRMP (Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program) Newsletter, University of California, Berkeley. 6:3.
  • Giusti, G. (1990). Black bear feeding on second growth redwoods: A critical assessment. 14th Vertebrate Pest Conference, Sacramento, CA.
  • Giusti, G. (1990). Getting Rid of Gophers. Fine Gardening Magazine. 50-52. March/April 1991.
  • Giusti, G. (1990). "Observation of Black Bear, Ursus-Americanus, Feeding Damage to Port-Orford Cedar, Chamaecyparis-Lawsoniana, in Del-Norte County, California." California Fish and Game 76(2): 127-128.
  • Giusti, G.; Schmidt, R.; Timm, R. (1990). Predator Management In North Coastal California. Workshop March 10-11, 1990, Ukiah and Hopland, California, University of California Hopland Field Station Special.
  • Giusti, G. (1990). The Wildlife Habitat Relationship System. Pacific Gas & Electric Company Productions. 14 minutes.
  • Giusti, G. (1989). Bug Sense. Fly Fisherman Magazine. March 1989.
  • Giusti, G. (1989). Overview and trends in managing animal damage in California's forests. Forestry and the World Around It. 1989 Western Forest Conference, Sacramento, California, Western Forestry and Conservation Association.
  • Giusti, G. (1988). How To Recognize Black Bear Damage to Second Growth Redwoods. 13th Vertebrate Pest Conference, Monterey, California.
  • Giusti, G.; Schmidt, R. (1988). Humans, Bears, and Redwoods: A Need for Applied Environmentalism. Transactions of the Western Section on the Wildlife Society. 24, 135-143.
  • Giusti, G. A. (1985). Home Ranges, Activity Patterns and Relative Densities of Meadow Mice & Harvest Mice on Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. San Francisco State University. M.A, 65.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Giusti, C. (2014). Ecological Assessment of Biomass Thinning in Coastal Forests - A Literature Review. Phase II. A Report to the Mendocino Biomass Working Group. 8. http://cemendocino.ucanr.edu/files/195828.pdf
  • Giusti, C. (2014). Watching the demise of a coastal forest type - Bishop pine. A White Paper. California Forest Pest Council. Winter 2014. http://cemendocino.ucanr.edu/files/199447.pdf
  • Giusti, C. (2014). Where did the porcupines go? California Forest Pest Council Newsletter. 1. December 2014.
  • Giusti, C. (2013). Ecological Assessment of Biomass Thinning in Coastal Forests - A Literature Review. Phase I. A Report to the Mendocino Biomass Working Group. 24. http://cemendocino.ucanr.edu/files/195828.pdf
  • Giusti, C. (2012). A scientific review and assessment of erosion potential and mitigation consideration for the removal of wood vegetation in the development of hillslope vineyards in Sonoma County, California. A report to the Sonoma County Agricultural Commissioner. 8.
  • Giusti, G. (2011). Illicit Cannabis Impacts Production Impacts on Fish and Wildlife Resources in Coastal Forest in California. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Sustainable Natural Ecosystems Continuing Conference (Poster). Sacramento, California. September 20-21, 2011.
  • Giusti, G. (2011). Policy Inconsistencies for the Forgotten Forest--California's Oak Woodlands. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Oak Conservation Blog. July 2011. http://ucanr.org/blogs/OakCon/index.cfm?tagname=California
  • Giusti, G. ; Porter, D.; Gerhardt, M. (2011). The Fritz Wonder Plot--80 years of UC Forest Research. Coast Redwood Forests in a Changing California: A symposium for scientists and managers.R. Standiford, T. Weller, D. Piirto and J. Stuart. Albany, CA, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Services, United States Department of Agriculture. General Technical Report PSW-GTR-XX.
  • Giusti, G. (2011). What makes an old coast redwood forest? Forestland Steward. California Forest Stewardship Program. California CERES Program. 8. Summer 2011. http://www.ceres.ca.gov/foreststeward/pdf/news-summer11.pdf
  • Giusti, G. (2010). Addressing the Challenge of Mutual Acceptance of Dreissenid Mussel Vessel Certification Programs--A Pathway to Reciprocity. A Report to the Department of Fish and Game. http://celake.ucdavis.edu/files/121349.pdf
  • Giusti, G.; Thompson, L. (2010). Native Fish Trends in California's Largest Natural Lake--Clear Lake. University of California Cooperative Extension Sustainable Natural Ecosystems Continuing Conference (Poster). Sacramento, California. June 28-30, 2010.
  • Giusti, G. (2009). Human Influences to Clear Lake, California - A 20th Century History. 11. http://celake.ucdavis.edu/files/64876.pdf
  • Giusti, G. (2008). An Interactive Approach to Science-Based Planning in California's Oak Woodlands. Ontario Forest Research Institute IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Conference. Ontario, Canada, Forest Research Institute. Forest Research Info Paper No. 172, 28-29. September 21-26, 2008.
  • Giusti, G.; McCreary, D. (2008). Determining Significance within CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) - A New UC Program to Assist Planner's in Conserving Oak Woodlands. 6th Oak Woodland Science Symposium (Proceedings), Rohnert Park, California.
  • Giusti, G.; Gaul, F.; Ambrose, J.; Brandon, V.; Hershey, D.; Elliot, S.; Reynolds, D.; Eastely, D.; Hinchcliff, R.; Groves, E. (2008). Identifying Risk Factors to Strengthen Current Strategies Aimed at Minimizing the Introduction of Quagga and Zebra Mussels to Lake County, California. A report prepared by the Lake County Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committee. 18.
  • Giusti, G. (2008). The Redwood Forest Foundation--A Case Study. A new model engaging local communities in sustainable forest management. Ontario, Canada. Forest Research Ino Paper No. 172, 30-31. September 21-26, 2008.
  • Giusti, G.; Keiffer, R.; Vaughn, C. (2006). Avian use of an oak woodland stream. 6th Oak Woodland Science Symposium (Poster). Rohnert Park, California. October 9-12, 2006.
  • Gerhert, M.; Giusti, G. ; Porter, D.; Sternberg, R.; Wells, M. (2006). Expanding the Legacy of Research at the Fritz Wonder Plot. A Report to the Mendocino Land Trust. Big River, CA. 40.
  • Giusti, G. (2004). GMO Trees: Long Cycles, Deep Questions. Mendocino County Farm Bureau Newslettter. 7. 2004.
  • Giusti, G. (2004). Management Practices Related to the Restoration of Old Forest Charactersitics in Coast Redwood Forests. A Report to The Save the Redwood League. San Francisco, California. 31. 2004. http://www.dfg.ca.gov/nccp/science/htm
  • Giusti, G.; Standiford, R.; McCreary, D.; Merenlender, A.; Scott, T. (2004). Oak Woodland Conservation in California's Changing Landscape. A White Paper. University of California, Berkeley, IHRMP (Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program). 6. 2004. http://danr.ucop.edu/ihrmp
  • Noss, R.; Benda, L.; Hamer, T.; McBride, J.; Roelofs, T.; Sholars, T.; Ziemer, B.; Giusti, G. (2003). Mendocino Redwood Company Natural Committee Conservation Plan Habitat Conservation Plan-Report of Science Advisors. California Department of Fish and Game. 64. 2003.
  • Giusti, G. (2002). "Oak Woodlands of Mendocino County: An Assessment of their Distrubution, Ownership Patterns, and Policies and Projects Affecting Their Conservation." from
  • Giusti, G. (2001). Stream Care Guide: Landowner's Guide to Healthy Watershed in Lake County. East and West Lake Resource Conservation Districts, LC RCD. 23.
  • Giusti, G. (1999). Managing Your Forest For Your Fish. Forest Landowner. Sacramento, California, FLOC (Farm Labor Organizing Committee). 12-13. Spring 1999.
  • Giusti, C. (1997). Family Forest and Forest Wildlife. Forest Landowner. Sacramento, California, FLOC (Farm Labor Organizing Committee). 5. Winter 1997.
  • Giusti, G. (1997). The Lake County RMC: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Achieve Resource Management Consensus. Clear Lake Science & Management Symposium, Lakeport, CA.
  • Merenlender, A.; Standiford, R.; Giusti, G. (1996). Hardwood Retention for North Coast California Timberlands Northern Sonoma, Mendocino, Southwest Trinity, and Southern Humboldt Counties. 53.
  • Giusti, G. (1996). Partnerships Across Ownerships. 1st Annual Human Resource Conference.J. Grieshop. Valambrosa Center, Menlo Park, CA, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 13-14 of 27. May 16-17, 1996.
  • Giusti, G. (1995). The Health of the Bioregion. A Bridge to the Future. Shasta Bioregional Gathering IV (Proceedings), Cazadero, California.
  • Giusti, G. (1994). Emerging Issues on Hardwood Range. 6th Progress Report, IHRMP (Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program). University of California, Berkeley, IHRMP (Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program), Department of Forest and Resource Management. 35-36.
  • Giusti, G.; Rilla, E.; Swedenborg, S. (1994). North Coast Planners Surveyed. Quercus. 2:1, 6. Spring 1994.
  • Giusti, G. (1994). Sonoma County Hardwood Fact Sheet. Government Executive Institute. 1. September 1994.
  • Giusti, G.; Gorenzal, W. (1993). 4-H Bluebird Nestbox Project. Mendocino County, California, University of California Cooperative Extension. 12.
  • Giusti, G. (1993). Emerging Issues on Hardwood Range. 5th Progress Report, IHRMP (Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program).R. Standiford. University of California, Berkeley, IHRMP (Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program), Department of Forest and Resource Management. 35-36 of 47. July 1991-December 1992.
  • Giusti, G. (1993). Master Gardener's Guide to Growing Eucalyptus in Lake County. Mendocino County, California, IHRMP (Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program).
  • Giusti, G.; Rodrigues, K. (1993). The marbled Murrelet ad Timber Harvest Plans - What you need to Know. Mendocino and Humboldt Counties, California, University of California Cooperative Extension. 4.
  • Giusti, G. (1993). Wild Pig Expansion and Economic Impacts in Mendocino County, California. The Wild Pig in California Woodlands: Ecology and Economics (Workshop Proceedings), San Luis Obispo, California, IHRMP (Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program).
  • Giusti, G. (1992). Committe Bears the Scars of Successful Negotiations. Searching for Harmony. Forest Perspectives`. 2:3, 9.
  • Gorenzal, W.; Schmidt, R.; Giusti, C. (1992). Want to help Wildlife? Start a nest box trail. Outdoor California. 54:1, 11-16.
  • (1991). Columbian Black-tailed Deer Workshop: Selected References on Biology and Management. Workshop (Proceedings), Kelsyville, CA and Hopland, CA, University of California, Hopland Field Station.
  • Giusti, G. (1991). Defining and Understanding Riparian Areas. Mendocino County Farm Bureau Newsletter. July 1991.
  • Giusti, G. (1991). What is a Healthy Lake? Clear Lake Basin Committee (Essay).
  • Giusti, G.; Schmidt, R.; Borrecco, J. (1990). Forest Pest Conditions Report. Animal Damage Committee Report. 6.
  • Giusti, G.; Schmidt, R. (1990). Status and Control of Animal Damage in California Forests. Forest Pest Conditions in California. California Forest Pest Council. 29-34 of 50.
  • Giusti, G.; Schmidt, R. (1989). Forest Pest Conditions Report. Animal Damage Committee Report. 9.
  • Giusti, C.; Schmidt, R. (1989). Status and Control of Animal Damage in California Forests. Report to the California Forest Pest Council. 8.
  • Giusti, C. (1987). Deer Management Concerns in Oak Woodlands. California Forest Pest Council, Animal Damage Committee Workshop. University of California Hopland Field Station, California Forest Pest Council. 8. October 1987.
  • Giusti, C. (1987). Mountain Beavers; Their Habits, Damage and their Control. University of California Cooperative Extension, Del Norte County. 4.
  • Giusti, C.; Giraud, D. (1986). Leader Control in Douglas-fir Christmas Tree Production for Hunboldt and Del Norte Counties. County Publication. 5.

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