Fish Species

Clear Lake Splittail

  • Scientific Name
    Pogonichthys ciscoides
  • Native
  • Identification

    This is a minnow species that was native (and endemic) to Clear Lake, Lake County, and its tributaries. Adults reached sizes of approximately 20 cm (8 inches) long. The species disappeared from Clear Lake in the late 1970s, and is now extinct globally.

  • Life History
    N / A
  • Links to Other Research

    Thompson, L.C., G.A. Giusti, K. Weber, R.F. Keiffer. 2013. The native and introduced fishes of Clear Lake: A review of the past to assist with decisions of the future. California Fish and Game 99(1):7-41. Download

    Weber, Kristina L., Lisa C. Thompson, Gregory A. Giusti, and Ryan F. Keiffer. 2011. Clear Lake Annotated Bibliography. University of California Cooperative Extension. 226 p. (302 references) Download

    This bibliography contains 302 references, including journal articles, books, reports, newspaper articles, and videos. The main focus was on fish, particularly Clear Lake hitch and largemouth bass, but there are also references on culture, settlement, mining, and lake water chemistry. Items are listed in alphabetical order by author, beginning with anonymous works (no author listed).